What Work Less, Make More
Quality Materials You Can Use
PRODUCTS -- When you become a Certified Work Less, Make More® Coach, you have access to hundreds of quality, colorful materials that really make an impact. Take a look at some of the things you get as you integrate Work Less, Make More® into your business. |
COACH'S MANUAL -- When you arrive in Kansas City for your initial training, you receive the official Coach Training Manual with more than 500 pages of materials for you to use! We show you how to apply Work Less, Make More to every situation you encounter. We give you comprehensive training so you feel confident using our materials with individual clients, with coaching groups, in workshops, during retreats, and in public presentations. PLUS you get hundreds of secrets from master marketer, Jennifer White. All in writing, in this manual. |
WELCOME PAK -- When a client hires you to work with them one-on-one, use our Work Less, Make More® Welcome Pak to get them started on the right foot. This three-ring binder has everything you need including a welcome letter, policies and procedures, goal-setting worksheets, assessments and quizes, worksheets for your first session, and tracking forms. You name it, it's in here. |
POSTCARDS -- Our Certified Work Less, More More Coaches tell us that they thing they love best about Work Less, Make More® is the marketing materials. Pictured here are our full-color postcards that you can use AND a one-page visual describing the Work Less, Make More® philosophy. We have brochures, flyers, advertisements, handouts, laminated cards... everything you need to share Work Less, Make More® in the marketplace. |
LETTERHEAD -- As a Certified Work Less, Make More® Coach, you may purchasing letterhead, notecards, and business cards for use in your Work Less, Make More® business. They've been designed in a bright color so you really stand out in a crowd. |
AUDIOS AND WORKBOOKS -- Our four-tape audioseries and our 200-page workbook are our two most popular products to use with your clients. We're quickly developing more products to help you work with your clients more effectively including an audio-workbook series titled "Discover Your Brilliance." We have post-it pads, Work Less, Make More® shirts, coffee mugs, laminated cards to hand out..., and much more coming. Everything is designed to help you use Work Less, Make More® for better results. |
worklessmakemore.com -- We are also creating a special section for you to use on YOUR web site as you introduce Work Less, Make More® to your audience. We wrote and designed it. All you need to do is personalize it and add it to your web site. (OR we'll do it for you.) If you don't have a web site, we have Certified Work Less, Make More® Coaches use these pages as a way to get started on the web. |
This is just a small sampling of what our turn-key marketing approach is all about. We've set up our program to give you all the tools you need to go out and be brilliant as a coach.
If you like what you see here, then complete the application Today!
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